
IMG_9298We started sharing our outdoor adventures publicly as Family Trail Time in 2015, after friends started referring other friends to us who were looking for places to take a hike. We love to hear how the details we’ve shared helped you find the perfect hike or helped avoid confusion while on the trail.

As people looked for more ways to safely spend time together in 2020, more and more families started hitting the trails. While we are not full-time outdoor professionals, we are experienced hikers and an additional resource for those researching trails and hikes or are interested in getting outside more.

We have fulfilling careers that are not in the outdoor industry, our Big Kiddo is in elementary school, Little Miss in a Montessori preschool, and our sweet Grayson passed away at the age of five from Tay-Sachs disease in December 2019. We have always found a way to get on the trails – with kids in soft and structured carriers, a stroller, pediatric wheelchair, or hiking more miles than I at first thought they could. Family Trail Time is a blog devoted to hitting the trails when and where a family can, the happiness of sharing nature as a family, and a hope to inspire others to do the same.

The outdoors are for everyone and we hope to help others find a way to get on the trails, too!

Silly family photo fall 16Felicia is originally from Houston, TX and Chris was born in Reading, PA. We met at the Final Four in 2004 in San Antonio and lived in Dallas (TX), Stamford (CT), and NYC before moving out to California in 2010. We love how many beautiful places there are to explore here, and plan to stay.

Connect with us on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter @familytrailtime !


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